Sunday, September 5, 2010

Rome wasn't built in a day.

Progress is slow as I try to figure a few things out. The third plank of 14 is glued on and the fourth plank is waiting to be re cut and finessed on. I will take some pictures of the gains in my next post. It took me a while to get my head around that concept. In theory plank number one is supposed to have a tapering rabbet near the stems so that plank number two will lie flush with plank one. It will be easier to understand with some pictures.
There has been some sloppy control going on. The two planks are not exactly flush at the stems. Also I overshot the marks on the mold by a bit. Hopefully I can correct that with the next plank.
If you go back to the first picture you can see I used the screw block method of attaching the planks. Today I made 30 wooden clamps and wedges. I may try that method for the next plank or a combination of the two techniques.

The new septic field got put in yesterday. That and the torrential rainfall are partial excuses for the glacial progress.
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