Friday, September 3, 2010

Finished with garboards and moving on to the next plank

I am trying a different method of glueing two of the strakes together. Hopefully there will be no surprises like the last glue job.
The starboard garboard, from hell, is finally glued on. As soon as all this epoxy dries I can try and figure out how to put two strakes together. I still don't understand how the planks come together at the stems.
Things kind of look nasty at the forward stem. Keep in mind that things will be planed flat so the outer stems and keel can be attached. Notice the extra scarf on the SB side. I screwed up and cut the blank to short and had to scarf another piece onto it. Where would we be without the miracle of epoxy?
1/7 th of the planking done. I hope things speed up to at least one row of planks a day.
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