Monday, August 27, 2012

Getting Ready to Launch touch wood.

My strategy is to get the boat in the water despite some unfinished business. I absolutely have to get the boat sailing before I loose heart and approach another long winter.
These pictures suck because I am shooting into the sun and the boat is wedged between the house and the shed.
Stay tuned. There will be sailing pictures within the next few days. That is unless something horrible happens on launch day.

Monday, August 20, 2012

bilge keels and centerboard

The bilge keels were a fair bit of work.
I was worried that the centerboard wouldn't fit and it didn't. Had to make some minor modifications. I still have to work on sealing the pin ( bolt that goes through the centerboard case).

As soon as the epoxy dries I will slap a coat of paint on things then flip it over and see what the masts look like when they are installed.
Feels like a launch party is iminent